Saturday, June 4, 2016

Our Story Begins.....

While trying to come with a fun little title for this blog I couldn't help but think of the song five little monkeys jumping on the bed. At times over this last nine months I have felt a little bit like a crazy monkey jumping on the bed. Sometimes I have been so full of excitement with the new upcoming adventure that I give off a little scream, and the kids think I am crazy. Other times I feel completely out of control. Trying to get so many things done and figured out to even pull off this experience. I finally decided it was the way to go when I found out that this year just so happens to be the year of the Monkey.

Like the title says our family of five will be taking a two year leave to go experience life in Dalian, China. My husband, Paul, works for IM Flash in Lehi, Utah. He was offered the opportunity to go to China in November 2015. It was nice that his position was not going to be needed until June 2016. It has allowed the kids to finish school here, and has given us plenty of time to pack, prepare, and stress over the wonderful opportunity. 

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